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It’s black and white, Jacob van Artevelde, was a person of Ghent through and through

Artevelde, the Ghent city beer, has traditionally been associated in black and white terms with the Artevelde city. It’s a proud reference to Jacob van Artevelde. Almost all your Artevelde questions are answered below.

Who was Jacob van Artevelde?

For those who couldn’t concentrate during history class: Jacob van Artevelde (1290-1345) was a cloth merchant, popular leader and statesman.

What did he do during the French ban?

France forbade any business to be concluded with England. James van Artevelde had different ideas. In fact, he resumed the wool trade with England. And in Ghent, we thought this was vrie waas [very cool].

How to describe Jacob van Artevelde’s character?

Jacob van Artevelde was an inspirational man with a broad vision. And our beers today have the same character: open your mind, taste life.

Revolutionary. A zest for life.

We’ve dusted off and refreshed the traditional brewing codes
– a revolutionary step.

Where is Artevelde brewed?

Artevelde is gleefully brought to life in the Artevelde micro-brewery on the Botermarkt in Ghent. “Stadsbierder” cannot do it.

Why does Artevelde deserve a place in your heart?

A little truth and fiction: It’s black and white, Artevelde, is the city beer of Ghent. It deserves a place in the heart and daily life of all people of Ghent (as well as temporary and permanent visitors).

How do the people of Ghent let you know you are welcome?

You are always welcome, you understand that don’t you of course. But in genuine “Ghentaneeze”? ’t Es zu leutig allemoal tuupetegoare [It’s always nice to be together].

Artevelde, a beer embedded in Ghent

Artevelde beers can be drunk in your twenties, but can still be enjoyed later in life as well. Actually, you can enjoy it for as long as possible (because that’s the best way to enjoy life).

Where can you drink Artevelde?

You can raise a glass in a warm and welcoming environment, the city of Ghent, known for its predominantly black and white emblem. Don’t forget to visit our Artevelde micro-brewery on the Botermarkt.

How do you drink Artevelde?

Artevelde should be enjoyed with an open mind. Because everyone in Ghent is proud of having an open mind, just like our beer. Drink Artevelde with friends, colleagues and loved ones.

What can I do in Ghent?

The cruises and neuzekes, the Lys and the Scheldt, the flowers and de Boekentoren, the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb and the Flemish lion, the Buffalos and the Brugschepuurte area, and finally of course, Artevelde Gentse Wijze and Artevelde Gentse Leute beers.

“Hello, my name is Artevelde.“

Full name: Jacob Van Artevelde. My name tells you that my family came from Ertevelde. This also means we came in peace. To bring prosperity to Ghent.

First there was my father Jan, who was a soldier who fought in the Battle of the Golden Spurs. And then there was me, unashamedly black and white from Ghent, a cloth merchant and broker, and I possessed a great deal of land. Yes, I admit it, you can class me as a well-to-do bourgeoisie.

Something to do
with wool

I was also a man of the people.

I enjoyed my beer, and I drank it from a mug. I led the revolt of Ghent against the French and grew in my role as a statesman. The Hundred Years War with England meant we were prevented from trading with our business partners from across the Channel. How was I – who they called the “wise man” – going to change that?

Well, on 6 January 1340, here in Ghent, we crowned the Englishman Edward III as King of France. This allowed the wool trade to be re-established with England. Everyone in Ghent thought it was wonderful.


I thought
many things.

I thought about many things.

How could I make sure people got along? I developed a city alliance between Ghent, Bruges and Ypres. And I gave Flemish officials – yes, they even existed back then – the freedom to use Flemish in addition to Latin and French. Cheers, prosit, santé, gezondheid!

Drink an Artevelde on me

Despite my good intentions, not everything went well with everyone, what can you say? When I returned from negotiations with the English king on 24 July 1345, I was deprived of my head in the courtyard of my house here in Ghent on the Kalandeberg. The weapon? A hatchet. The perpetrator? Thomas Denijs, a weaver.

But I don’t know much more about it. Maybe we should have gone to the microbrewery on the Botermarkt to drink an Artevelde first. It’s close by, and maybe we would have found common ground and avoided my grisly end.”

Is it a wise idea to enjoy an Artevelde? Drink it with other people of Ghent (and the rest of the world). ’T Is leutig én superintelligent [It’s enjoyable and a very smart thing to do].”

Gentse wijze

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Gentse leute

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