Life wisdoms and sayings of the people of Ghent and welcome visitors
Why are Artevelde Gentse Wijze and Artevelde Gentse Leute beers considered to be Ghent’s city beers? And what do the people of Ghent and others think of our beers? We let them have their say here, and they don’t mince their words. They are real astrants, vrankegoards and frankegoards.
Send us your life wisdom or typical Ghent saying. Who knows, we may even post it here soon. Buzze geeve! [Quick as you like!]
Tes de momeint [We’ve got time]
Send us your Ghent-inspired wisdom in black and white. You never know – it may even adorn an Artevelde bottle or beer mat! What are you waiting for? Let it come veuruit goan gelaak buuneknupe [at your own pace].