Grand cru
“So, what d’you think of it?” One fine day, as Jacob van Artevelde was walking through the streets of Ghent, he was accosted by some enthusiastic fellow townspeople. They were busy brewing a new beer. He inhaled the fine aroma and replied: “Now that’s what I call a real grand cru!” And the taste? Find out for yourself right now. Just like Artevelde did then.
Grand Cru
Belgian dark reddish-brown
Top fermentation
7.2% vol
Aroma and taste: the perfect fragrance in which roasted malt, caramel, sweet fruitiness and a good old bitter tang emerge victorious. With a finish that blends a suggestion of spicy toffee with a clever hint of date.
Sounds like the good life. It is. Right here. With this beer.
Wise. Willing. Wondrous.
Watch and enjoy Artevelde Grand Cru. A dark reddish-brown beer, crowned with a firm, creamy layer of froth. Ready to raise a glass? Artevelde Grand Cru will spoil you with its lusciously rich harvest.
Gentse Wijze
There’s no accounting for taste and colour. Unless there’s Artevelde in your glass. Black and white, Ghent’s best beer. So enjoy an Artevelde Gentse Wijze, a refreshing contemporary brew with typical Ghent character. Be wise. Not grey. Just like “the wise man” himself, Jacob van Artevelde.
Gentse Wijze
Belgian strong blond
Top fermentation
8% vol
Aroma and taste: spicy hop nose reminiscent of wine; floral, light peppery aroma; fresh and balanced taste in the mouth with a dry bitter aftertaste.
Enjoy this beer and drink to your health. And your wisdom.
Wise. Willing. Wondrous.
Like Jacob, Artevelde Gentse Wijze is a strong beer. Drink it wisely. Keep your kievief [head]. You can then fully enjoy the enriched hops and extra malt touch. Tasting an Artevelde Gentse Wijze is a truly unique experience.
Gentse Leute
Artevelde is Ghent and Ghent is Artevelde. Jovial and free. Socially inspired. And with plenty of Ghentish fun, a unique form of light-heartedness you can only find here. Does that sound like something you want to enjoy? Do it with Artevelde Gentse Leute, a contemporary brew with a rich history. Taste its witty nature and free the “leutigaard [fun-side]” in you.
Wise. Willing. Wondrous.
Artevelde Gentse Leute is a city beer with a distinct pilsner character. You can easily enjoy a shorter drink (Jacob van Artevelde also got a little shorter). It is especially good for combating a thirst and for amuzoase [amusement]. Black and white, the real Ghentse Leute.